Chris Van Note
Bass Trombone
Chris Van Note retired after 35 years from Iowa Farm Bureau Insurance in 2013. He served as an Agent, Agency Manager, Agency Vice President and Business Development Vice President.
A native of Des Moines, Iowa, Chris graduated in 1974 from the University of Northern Colorado with degrees in Music Education, Music Performance on Bass Trombone and German. Chris taught High School Instrumental Music, Choir and German as well as coaching freshman basketball in Parker, Arizona and Meeker, Colorado before moving to the insurance industry. Chris has played bass trombone with the Greeley (Colorado) Philharmonic, Denver Symphony, the Bella Vista Arkansas Community Band and the Arkansas Winds in Fayetteville, Arkansas. He also played bass trombone, baritone and tuba with the Humboldt Community Band and the West Des Moines Community Band.
Chris and wife Katy have two married children and 4 grandchildren. Since retiring, Chris has been golfing, RV-ing and enjoying grandkids.